Sunday, February 17, 2008

This is It! A Sermon on Isaiah 45:20-25

Audio mp3

My translation (ok it is rough! that is the point):
Gather and come together
Approach together, refugees of the nations.
They did not know, the ones lifting up wood of idols and praying,
this god will not deliver.
Tell and approach.
They will counsel together: Who has heard from the beginning:
He told him what ever exists is nothing without me.
Turn toward Me and be saved
all the ends of the earth.
For I - God and not another.
(this is an imperative: You be saved)
With myself I took an oath -
it came out of my mouth - righteousness - a word
and not it will return
for to Me every knee will bend; every tongue will confess.
(He speaks righteousness. It is not an adverb, but the noun that came out of His mouth. His
authority is signaled. The deal is done.)

Only in Yahweh, (to me He said), righteousness and strength forever -
it will come to pass,
and they will be ashamed, all the ones being angry at Him.
In Yahweh they will be righteous (justified)
and they will make their boast (glory)
all the seed of Israel.

A mind map of the sermon follows:

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